Kinesiology is a truly holistic therapy that addresses body, mind and spirit. Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct various imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, injuries and other challenges they experience in life. It is a gentle, non-invasive way to access the body’s feedback to ascertain the root cause of an issue and then defuse it at that level. 

Kinesiology can be understood as a system of natural health care which combines muscle monitoring with the principles of Chinese medicine to assess energy and body function, by accessing a selection of gentle yet powerful healing techniques to improve health, wellbeing and vitality

• Kinesiology is a feedback tool that enables a person to assess and improve their functioning in all areas.

Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology.

• Kinesiology uses muscles as biofeedback monitors of stress and imbalance within the body/mind system.

• Kinesiology has been described as the most comprehensive and most holistic of the modern natural therapies, because it combines the wisdom of both eastern and western traditions.

• Muscle Monitoring, a key tool of Kinesiology, accesses information often not available to the conscious mind.


The Australian Kinesiology Association describes Kinesiology: 

Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual." (Definition approved by the Australian Kinesiology Association 1999.)

The maturity of ‘Complementary Therapies’ is shown by some of Australia’s major health funds now paying rebates for many therapies, including Kinesiology. This acknowledges what is happening in the health sciences in the 21st Century.

Australians spend over $1 billion annually on therapies not part of mainstream medicine. Kinesiology is one of the fastest growing of these and is now practised in over 100 countries. In Australia, we have a growing number of professional practitioners registered with the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA), along with some world renowned Kinesiology researchers and teachers.

Kinesiology is a non-invasive energetic healing science. Initial research began in the 1960s when Dr. George Goodheart DC, discovered that muscle testing could be used to gather information from the body. This system was called ‘Applied Kinesiology’ and saw many chiropractors embracing Chinese medicine techniques of acupressure and meridian systems.

Kinesiology, which is a combination of ancient, eastern science and western muscle monitoring, balances the body on many levels. Its effective results come from the way it works with the body’s innate healing intelligence to restore balance and health to neurological and physiological function. Through this modality, profound changes may be experienced emotionally, mentally and physically, thereby increasing a person’s health and wellbeing. When our system is functioning well, we feel well.

Professional Kinesiology practitioners undertake years of training to be able to access the movement of energy - or what the Chinese call ‘Chi’ - throughout the body. The analogy of a bio-computer illustrates in a simple manner how this works.